Monday, November 25, 2013

That Awkward First Post

Alright, so I'm writing a blog.  Mostly about running but with some other stuff thrown in.  Why?  Well, first let's start with my story.

I was not athletic as a kid.  Like, I joined the marching band to avoid PE class.  I college I went to the rec center with friends and took the '90's version of Zumba: Step Aerobics.  I graduated and got a job and went to the Y to lift "weights" (HA!  5 lbs is not weights!) and ride the stationary bike.  I got married and did Weight Watchers and workout DVDs.  Somewhere along the line I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  In an act of pure desperation to try to lose weight yet again, I picked up Couch to 5K in May 2012.  I'm still struggling to lose weight, but this girl, who's life motto was "I don't run", found something she really liked to do.

Now, don't let me fool you; I am in no way a fast runner. I practice the Galloway method of run/walk, and I can keep about a 15:30 mm on a good day.  But I'm working on getting faster.  Or I was.

So I did a couple of races, discovered that I LOVE medals, and my husband Mark and I signed up for the Disney Wine & Dine half marathon earlier this month.  Not to spoil my race report, but then this happened:

Broken 3rd metatarsal.  Surgery currently not required.

But here I am in a boot for at least 4 more weeks.  On crutches.  Can't drive.  So really I'm starting this blog to share my road back, and to not go crazy trying to do it.  Or see if my running career is over before it starts.  Or to see if I whack someone with my crutches.  Whatever.  Stick around.  It might be fun.

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