Well, virtually moving. To Wordpress. So if you want to keep reading about how I'm hardly running, including about my latest race adventure, change your reader settings to runswithglitter.wordpress.com !
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
A Bunch of Random Stuff
* I celebrated turning 39 for the first time this week.
* I ran 5.5 mi Sunday, and it didn't feel too bad.
A photo posted by Jody Thompson (@mrsjodythompson) on
* I ran 5.5 mi Sunday, and it didn't feel too bad.
* I'm running a 10K and won't beat my PR from last year. In fact, I'm likely to be DFL.
* I've dropped off the Weight Watchers bandwagon. I really need to get my sugar cravings under control. I'm thinking about trying Whole30.
*I've got to go out of town for work next week so there won't be a blog post.
*I have a half marathon in 31 days. Dear Lord.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Stuff Just Got Real
So here I am, running along, happy as a lark to go my 45 minutes 3 times a week with my shin seemingly behaving, and I see this on Facebook:
Ummm, yeah.
So I consulted aprofessional running coach my sister to help me come up up with some that resembles a 7 week half marathon training plan. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this works, shall we?
45 minutes = 3 miles
It was still pretty warm when I started, so I struggled a bit, but ended up being faster than I expected. My stomach rebelled a bit too from my usual pre-run Mojo bar, so that worried me a bit.
45 minutes = 2.86 miles
Mark had some speedwork to do so I ran on the track. I guess I was slower than Monday, but I didn't feel it at all. In mile 2 I thought "I feel like Kara Goucher!" It was a great run.
4 miles
4 mi = 1:05:51
Boy, do I love October! It's so much easier when its 20 degrees cooler with 60% less humidity. And today's run was the longest I've been in a year. A YEAR PEOPLE! And it felt easy and I wasn't sore later. It gives me hope.
45 minutes =
Work obligations had me push my run back a day this week. Since its starting to get dark earlier, and we are bored to tears running tiny laps in our neighborhood, we ran downtown right after work.
Ummm, yeah.
So I consulted a
45 minutes = 3 miles
It was still pretty warm when I started, so I struggled a bit, but ended up being faster than I expected. My stomach rebelled a bit too from my usual pre-run Mojo bar, so that worried me a bit.
45 minutes = 2.86 miles
Mark had some speedwork to do so I ran on the track. I guess I was slower than Monday, but I didn't feel it at all. In mile 2 I thought "I feel like Kara Goucher!" It was a great run.
4 miles
4 mi = 1:05:51
Boy, do I love October! It's so much easier when its 20 degrees cooler with 60% less humidity. And today's run was the longest I've been in a year. A YEAR PEOPLE! And it felt easy and I wasn't sore later. It gives me hope.
45 minutes =
Work obligations had me push my run back a day this week. Since its starting to get dark earlier, and we are bored to tears running tiny laps in our neighborhood, we ran downtown right after work.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
A Little Disney Magic
So last week looked like this
and this
After the year I've had, it was sure nice to get a little R & R in one of my favorite places. And best of all, yesterday afternoon was my last chiro appointment. Thanks for everything, Dr. Justin! And now I have 7 weeks to train for a half marathon. Keep your fingers crossed that nothing hurts, and bring on the training!
and this
With a little of this thrown inLoading
After the year I've had, it was sure nice to get a little R & R in one of my favorite places. And best of all, yesterday afternoon was my last chiro appointment. Thanks for everything, Dr. Justin! And now I have 7 weeks to train for a half marathon. Keep your fingers crossed that nothing hurts, and bring on the training!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Tipatina's 5K Recap
And so it begins again. My shin is doing very well, and my chiro appointment in 3 weeks will be my last. There have been lots and lots of angst and tears, and I still don't know what the Space Coast half will look like for me, but at least it looks like I will get there.
Long before the shin became an issue I got a Living Social deal for a 5K run in New Orleans that would benefit the Tipatina's Rock and Blues Foundation. For less then $20 we would get a race, a medal, swag bag, and food from some of the most prominent restaurants in NOLA, so I jumped on the deal and talked my sister Beth into coming too. Lucky for me this past week Dr. Justin has been letting me increase my run time, so on race day I would be able to run for 28 minutes. Yay.
We loaded up and headed over Saturday afternoon.
This is what happens when my short arms try to take a selfie.
Oh look, there I am.
Parking was easy, and then there was the pre-race entertainment: Dancing Elvises.
Sure most of them looked like there were over 50 and none of them looked like they'ed had more than an hour's practice, but hey, it was fun.
After the Elvises (Elvii?), it was time to line up and for the national anthem. And then...the rain. Which ended up being not so bad, but it made the road slick. But we were off.
Right now anything more than a 3/2 interval seems to bother my shin, so that's what I'm sticking with for now. Most of mile 1 was spent trying not to run over or get run over by the kids running group that started in the very back but would sprint past and then flat out stop in the middle of the road. They were cute but damn annoying.
Mile 1: 14:22
We had course entertainment. A couple of school bands were out along the course, and those kids played through the rain and until the very last person went by. That was pretty nice.
The rain stopped about a mile and a half in. Then I realized it was just keeping down the humidity. The rest of the race was pretty humid, but at least it was not so hot. I finished my 28 minutes of running at 1.92 miles, so I was pretty pleased. I was not pleased that I missed them handing out beer at the water station. Mark was upset at this also.
Mark was doing awesome when he passed me. He's the one in the white hat that isn't a girl.
Mile 2: 15:15
I was a good patient and walked most of the last mile. It was kinda depressing to see my pace just get higher and higher, but I'll be damned if I do anything to make this shin thing worse again. At the same time, there was no way I was going to walk across the finish line. I discussed it with Mark and Beth and we decided I could run the last quarter mile.
So that's what I did. And then I looked up and saw my sister jogging back towards me and Mark right behind her to run in with me. And I teared up. Signs and cheers are nice, but there is nothing like the sight of your family running towards you to show their support and love. It felt so awesome!
And then I was done!
Mile 3: 16:13
Mile 3.1: 12:35
Annnnnddddd...there was no medal. And no food. They'ed given both to all of the kid's group that was running. Speedy Beth got a medal, but Mark and I didn't, and we were pretty disappointed. But Beth found me my very own special medal.
Being New Orleans, the course was super flat and was an out and back. Both Beth and Mark set their half marathon PRs, and I am so proud of them. Even having to walk as much as I did, I ran my 3rd fasted 5K. And even better, my shin did not hurt once during the run or the next day, so, victory!
Since there was no food left (and I mean NO food left), we packed on up and headed to the nearest McDonald's, the post-race meal of champions.
Time: 47:26
Overall: 547/630 - results don't count all the kid's group participants
Gender: 303/366
Long before the shin became an issue I got a Living Social deal for a 5K run in New Orleans that would benefit the Tipatina's Rock and Blues Foundation. For less then $20 we would get a race, a medal, swag bag, and food from some of the most prominent restaurants in NOLA, so I jumped on the deal and talked my sister Beth into coming too. Lucky for me this past week Dr. Justin has been letting me increase my run time, so on race day I would be able to run for 28 minutes. Yay.
We loaded up and headed over Saturday afternoon.
This is what happens when my short arms try to take a selfie.
Oh look, there I am.
Parking was easy, and then there was the pre-race entertainment: Dancing Elvises.
Sure most of them looked like there were over 50 and none of them looked like they'ed had more than an hour's practice, but hey, it was fun.
After the Elvises (Elvii?), it was time to line up and for the national anthem. And then...the rain. Which ended up being not so bad, but it made the road slick. But we were off.
Right now anything more than a 3/2 interval seems to bother my shin, so that's what I'm sticking with for now. Most of mile 1 was spent trying not to run over or get run over by the kids running group that started in the very back but would sprint past and then flat out stop in the middle of the road. They were cute but damn annoying.
Mile 1: 14:22
We had course entertainment. A couple of school bands were out along the course, and those kids played through the rain and until the very last person went by. That was pretty nice.
The rain stopped about a mile and a half in. Then I realized it was just keeping down the humidity. The rest of the race was pretty humid, but at least it was not so hot. I finished my 28 minutes of running at 1.92 miles, so I was pretty pleased. I was not pleased that I missed them handing out beer at the water station. Mark was upset at this also.
Mark was doing awesome when he passed me. He's the one in the white hat that isn't a girl.
Mile 2: 15:15
I was a good patient and walked most of the last mile. It was kinda depressing to see my pace just get higher and higher, but I'll be damned if I do anything to make this shin thing worse again. At the same time, there was no way I was going to walk across the finish line. I discussed it with Mark and Beth and we decided I could run the last quarter mile.
So that's what I did. And then I looked up and saw my sister jogging back towards me and Mark right behind her to run in with me. And I teared up. Signs and cheers are nice, but there is nothing like the sight of your family running towards you to show their support and love. It felt so awesome!
And then I was done!
Mile 3: 16:13
Mile 3.1: 12:35
Annnnnddddd...there was no medal. And no food. They'ed given both to all of the kid's group that was running. Speedy Beth got a medal, but Mark and I didn't, and we were pretty disappointed. But Beth found me my very own special medal.
Being New Orleans, the course was super flat and was an out and back. Both Beth and Mark set their half marathon PRs, and I am so proud of them. Even having to walk as much as I did, I ran my 3rd fasted 5K. And even better, my shin did not hurt once during the run or the next day, so, victory!
Since there was no food left (and I mean NO food left), we packed on up and headed to the nearest McDonald's, the post-race meal of champions.
Time: 47:26
Overall: 547/630 - results don't count all the kid's group participants
Gender: 303/366
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Runs with Glitter takes Tampa
Last week I got to spend some time in Tampa for work, and Mark got to go with me! I had the privilege of doing some running in the Gulf, and otherwise ate all of the food.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
My Comeback Tour
Thanks for indulging my pity party last week. I'm at a work conference this week, so I will update you next week on how things are going. Until then, here's my upcoming races!
I've made some veiled references here on the blog about training for a half marathon. Well, actually, it's THREE half marathons!
Space Coast Half Marathon - Cocoa Beach, FL, November 30, 2014
I registered for this one while I was still in a boot. I've always wanted to run it, and the 3-year challenge seemed like a good reason. This seems like a good choice because its flat and has a 7 hour course limit. No matter how my training went, I can finish this one. Training started Sept. 1, so I'll be back to let you know how that went.
Louisiana Quarter Marathon - Baton Rouge, LA, January 17, 2015
I've heard great things about the Half and Full in Baton Rouge. This year they added a Quarter Marathon, and we're going to try to use this to get a good qualifying time for later Disney races.
Gasparilla Half Marathon - Tampa, FL, February 22, 2015
Another one with a generous course limit and a great medal. I can't decide if this or Space Coast will be my A race. I'm leaning toward this one.
Tinkerbell Half Marathon - Disneyland, CA, May 10, 2015
And so it begins -- my journey to the Disney Coast to Coast medal! We'll complete the challenge in November at the Wine and Dine half. We're lucky enough to have friends in California that we want to visit this spring, so this fits right in and makes the trip at least somewhat affordable. I seriously can't wait to do this race!
Training for Space Coast starts this week, and the races are spaced out at almost perfect 12 week intervals, so I'm basically in training from September to May. I plan to take the first 12 pretty easy and make the training tougher for each of the other races. Wish me luck and to keep injury free (hahahaha)!
I've made some veiled references here on the blog about training for a half marathon. Well, actually, it's THREE half marathons!
Space Coast Half Marathon - Cocoa Beach, FL, November 30, 2014
I registered for this one while I was still in a boot. I've always wanted to run it, and the 3-year challenge seemed like a good reason. This seems like a good choice because its flat and has a 7 hour course limit. No matter how my training went, I can finish this one. Training started Sept. 1, so I'll be back to let you know how that went.
Louisiana Quarter Marathon - Baton Rouge, LA, January 17, 2015
I've heard great things about the Half and Full in Baton Rouge. This year they added a Quarter Marathon, and we're going to try to use this to get a good qualifying time for later Disney races.
Gasparilla Half Marathon - Tampa, FL, February 22, 2015
Another one with a generous course limit and a great medal. I can't decide if this or Space Coast will be my A race. I'm leaning toward this one.
Tinkerbell Half Marathon - Disneyland, CA, May 10, 2015
And so it begins -- my journey to the Disney Coast to Coast medal! We'll complete the challenge in November at the Wine and Dine half. We're lucky enough to have friends in California that we want to visit this spring, so this fits right in and makes the trip at least somewhat affordable. I seriously can't wait to do this race!
Training for Space Coast starts this week, and the races are spaced out at almost perfect 12 week intervals, so I'm basically in training from September to May. I plan to take the first 12 pretty easy and make the training tougher for each of the other races. Wish me luck and to keep injury free (hahahaha)!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Join me in my pity party
Today's post was supposed to be a glorious rundown of my upcoming races, starting with a half in November, for which training started on Monday. Except training didn't start for me. At my chiro appointment last Thursday, Dr. Justin put me on complete rest for the entire Labor Day weekend. I rolled. I stretched. I iced. I wore compression socks. And I watched Mark go out the door to run without me.
Things looked better yesterday, but I'm still not allowed to run, or even walk. I can get on the elliptical, but I don't think I can very well train for a half entirely on an elliptical machine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by this weekend I'll at least be allowed to walk, but even with that I'll be a couple of weeks behind. Combine this with the fact I haven't run longer than 3.5 miles since last November and things don't look promising. I'm also not entirely certain that the shin problems won't come back once I start running again. Because it's tied to issues with my spinal fusion, I feel like this is going to be a never-ending injury cycle.
Fortunately the half I have chosen for November has a generous course time, so I could walk the entire 13.1 if necessary, but of course that's not what I want to do. If things continue to heal at this rate, I anticipate another 2-3 weeks of no running, putting me with about 8-9 weeks to actually train. I'm pretty much at a loss as to how to proceed with a training plan from here. Do any of you have any experience with a situation like this? Any advice?
Things looked better yesterday, but I'm still not allowed to run, or even walk. I can get on the elliptical, but I don't think I can very well train for a half entirely on an elliptical machine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by this weekend I'll at least be allowed to walk, but even with that I'll be a couple of weeks behind. Combine this with the fact I haven't run longer than 3.5 miles since last November and things don't look promising. I'm also not entirely certain that the shin problems won't come back once I start running again. Because it's tied to issues with my spinal fusion, I feel like this is going to be a never-ending injury cycle.
Fortunately the half I have chosen for November has a generous course time, so I could walk the entire 13.1 if necessary, but of course that's not what I want to do. If things continue to heal at this rate, I anticipate another 2-3 weeks of no running, putting me with about 8-9 weeks to actually train. I'm pretty much at a loss as to how to proceed with a training plan from here. Do any of you have any experience with a situation like this? Any advice?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Big Sigh
I'm back on the sidelines again.
Dr. Justin is working wonders with my hip and shin, and I've made two new best friends.
But now that my hip is happy the pain and tension has just moved on to my foot. I'm tied to the bike this week, or, dear Lord, pool running.
You'll hear more about this next week, but I'm about to start training for a half marathon. Training starts September 1. That's right - in 4 days. Dr. Justin is having me start of training right: with a walk/power walk combo! That's right folks, I'm going to train to run 13.1 miles by walking and walking faster!
I know, he's the expert, but I really miss running, and this isn't the way to build my confidence for this race.
I know it could be a lot worse. I've been there too. But I'd love to run pain free and not broken, just for one training cycle. Pretty please?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Going to the Voodoo Doctor
I've never had any use for chiropractors. I'm sorry to offend anyone, but as somebody who has stainless steel for a spine, I just never saw what they could do for me. But being sidelined with #stupidshinsplint, I'm desperate.
I heard about a great sports chiro through the grapevine, and once I saw he had worked magic with the LSU football team, I figured it couldn't be all bad. Since I have great insurance, I made an appointment.
I learned some new and interesting things from Dr. Justin.
1. Newtons are evil shoes that 99% likely caused my metatarsal break.
2. My spine curves a whole lot more than I would like it to, considering how it resembles the Eiffel Tour in structure.
3. Evidently I had a stress fracture in my left tibia last fall that healed on its own. Probably while I healed my other broken bone.
4. My hips are more uneven than I had even suspected. My right hip is a good inch higher than my left, so of course I'm having shin splints. The bone in my left hip is also degenerating AND I have a bone spur. How do I even get out of bed in the mornings??
On the upside, after one visit with Dr. Justin and his magic hands, my shin splint is nearly gone, and my left hip is happier. I think after all these years it doesn't understand how not to be tense and in knots, so it feels kinda funny.
Needless to say, I'm not running for right now. At least so far the good doctor hasn't recommended I give up running completely and resign myself to pool activities for the rest of my life, so that is a positive.
As sick as I am of being injured and hurting all the time, I'm more concerned now for my long-term prognosis. Funny, until last week I was plodding along just fine, bothered by pain and discomfort but not letting it affect my attitude or activity level. One look at my xrays and now I'm worried about carrying my purse while I walk, much less distance running. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I guess until my left leg just gives out completely I'll continue on, though.
I heard about a great sports chiro through the grapevine, and once I saw he had worked magic with the LSU football team, I figured it couldn't be all bad. Since I have great insurance, I made an appointment.
I learned some new and interesting things from Dr. Justin.
1. Newtons are evil shoes that 99% likely caused my metatarsal break.
2. My spine curves a whole lot more than I would like it to, considering how it resembles the Eiffel Tour in structure.
3. Evidently I had a stress fracture in my left tibia last fall that healed on its own. Probably while I healed my other broken bone.
4. My hips are more uneven than I had even suspected. My right hip is a good inch higher than my left, so of course I'm having shin splints. The bone in my left hip is also degenerating AND I have a bone spur. How do I even get out of bed in the mornings??
On the upside, after one visit with Dr. Justin and his magic hands, my shin splint is nearly gone, and my left hip is happier. I think after all these years it doesn't understand how not to be tense and in knots, so it feels kinda funny.
Needless to say, I'm not running for right now. At least so far the good doctor hasn't recommended I give up running completely and resign myself to pool activities for the rest of my life, so that is a positive.
As sick as I am of being injured and hurting all the time, I'm more concerned now for my long-term prognosis. Funny, until last week I was plodding along just fine, bothered by pain and discomfort but not letting it affect my attitude or activity level. One look at my xrays and now I'm worried about carrying my purse while I walk, much less distance running. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I guess until my left leg just gives out completely I'll continue on, though.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
How NOT to run a race: Crime Prevention 5K
I registered for the Crime Prevention 5K because:
A. It was an evening race, and we usually run after work
B. A very flat course
C. The start line is outside my office window
What I didn't realize was:
1. It's still August in Mobile, so HUMIDITY - duh!
2. When I got to the start line I would've run all of 5 miles in the preceding week and a half. #stupidshinsplint
So I taped up my shin and knew I wouldn't get under that elusive 40 minutes, and frankly, hoped I wouldn't have to drop out. This ended up being a bigger local 5K, with almost 300 entries, not including the 2 baby stollers and 2 dogs. Between the crowd and stress about my leg holding up, I totally lost composure at the start and with it, my game plan to stay calm and cool and use this as a supported training run. I had at least programmed my Garmin for 5 minute run/1:30 minute walk to hopefully keep my shin at least placated.
When the gun went off, instead of starting slow and controlling my pace, I reverted back to race panic mode and took off like lightening had just hit. I thought I'd lost Mark for good. On the up side, I didn't feel any pain.
Mile 1: 13:26
For some people, that isn't a fast pace, but I know for me, it's not sustainable for 3.1 miles. I haven't run more than 3.5 miles at a time since November, and at my best, a 14:00 mi is good for me. Mark caught up to me, and I tried to pace myself off of people I thought looked to be about my pace. But the damage was already done. I had a hard time catching my breath and had to walk extra.
Mile 2: 14:59
Mile 2 was pretty much a suckfest. I walked way more than I wanted to, and got really down on myself. When I did run it was only for about 3 minutes at a time. My legs felt wiped out already. I made the fatal mistake of not taking a handheld with Nuun. The race was well supported with water, but I'm used to drinking Nuun in addition to taking a salt tab. The effects of the salt tab faded pretty quickly, and by 2.5 my fingers were swollen like sausages.
Mile 3: 15:10
I asked Mark to help pace me during the last mile. I still wasn't running full intervals, and I was feeling nauseous from the humidity. At least there was a breeze that kept us a bit cooler.
Mile 3.2 (yes, this course was long. Get it right, Productions by Little Red Hen!): 12:27
So obviously my legs had more left in them than I thought.
Official (Gun) time: 45:51
Garmin time: 45:42
Age: 11/13
Females: 106/114
As bad as I felt about my effort, Strava let me know that for the actual first 3.1 miles I ran, this was my second fastest 5K. That really made me feel better since I see some improvement over my first 5K 2 years ago. I learned once again I need to work on my hydration and make a real effort to hold back in the first mile. I also need to get better at my mental game and digging in deep when it hurts. I keep learning these same things over and over. I just need more practice.
And yes, I did pay for the effort in my shin the next day.
A. It was an evening race, and we usually run after work
B. A very flat course
C. The start line is outside my office window
What I didn't realize was:
1. It's still August in Mobile, so HUMIDITY - duh!
2. When I got to the start line I would've run all of 5 miles in the preceding week and a half. #stupidshinsplint
So I taped up my shin and knew I wouldn't get under that elusive 40 minutes, and frankly, hoped I wouldn't have to drop out. This ended up being a bigger local 5K, with almost 300 entries, not including the 2 baby stollers and 2 dogs. Between the crowd and stress about my leg holding up, I totally lost composure at the start and with it, my game plan to stay calm and cool and use this as a supported training run. I had at least programmed my Garmin for 5 minute run/1:30 minute walk to hopefully keep my shin at least placated.
When the gun went off, instead of starting slow and controlling my pace, I reverted back to race panic mode and took off like lightening had just hit. I thought I'd lost Mark for good. On the up side, I didn't feel any pain.
Mile 1: 13:26
For some people, that isn't a fast pace, but I know for me, it's not sustainable for 3.1 miles. I haven't run more than 3.5 miles at a time since November, and at my best, a 14:00 mi is good for me. Mark caught up to me, and I tried to pace myself off of people I thought looked to be about my pace. But the damage was already done. I had a hard time catching my breath and had to walk extra.
Mile 2: 14:59
Mile 2 was pretty much a suckfest. I walked way more than I wanted to, and got really down on myself. When I did run it was only for about 3 minutes at a time. My legs felt wiped out already. I made the fatal mistake of not taking a handheld with Nuun. The race was well supported with water, but I'm used to drinking Nuun in addition to taking a salt tab. The effects of the salt tab faded pretty quickly, and by 2.5 my fingers were swollen like sausages.
Mile 3: 15:10
I asked Mark to help pace me during the last mile. I still wasn't running full intervals, and I was feeling nauseous from the humidity. At least there was a breeze that kept us a bit cooler.
Mile 3.2 (yes, this course was long. Get it right, Productions by Little Red Hen!): 12:27
So obviously my legs had more left in them than I thought.
Official (Gun) time: 45:51
Garmin time: 45:42
Age: 11/13
Females: 106/114
As bad as I felt about my effort, Strava let me know that for the actual first 3.1 miles I ran, this was my second fastest 5K. That really made me feel better since I see some improvement over my first 5K 2 years ago. I learned once again I need to work on my hydration and make a real effort to hold back in the first mile. I also need to get better at my mental game and digging in deep when it hurts. I keep learning these same things over and over. I just need more practice.
And yes, I did pay for the effort in my shin the next day.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The July Rundown
In July:
Hot temps = no races here on the Gulf coast, so July was filled with trying not to lose my mind running tiny loops around my neighborhood. 40 miles worth of tiny loops.
I rejoined Weight Watchers, and that is going pretty well. More on that later.
And July finished with no running. Boo. I've got to get the shin splint in my left leg healed up or at least calmed down by the time I start training for my half in September. Boo. I'm making friends with the Stick and lots of ice.
Hot temps = no races here on the Gulf coast, so July was filled with trying not to lose my mind running tiny loops around my neighborhood. 40 miles worth of tiny loops.
I rejoined Weight Watchers, and that is going pretty well. More on that later.
And July finished with no running. Boo. I've got to get the shin splint in my left leg healed up or at least calmed down by the time I start training for my half in September. Boo. I'm making friends with the Stick and lots of ice.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Pre Training Week 5
Polar Vortex!!! Thanks to this crazy weather, we actually had a couple of days this week with less than 98% humidity! In July, people! It was still hot, so it didn't really make running any more pleasant, though.
I started back down the road of self-doubt this week. I've worked really hard since February to not doubt myself so much, but missing a couple of runs the last couple of weeks + running with shin pain + getting closer to actual half marathon training really got to me this week. The furthest I've run since November has been 3.5 miles, and I just can't imagine making it another 9.6. Part of my brain knows I can do it, I have done it, and I have plenty of time to build up to it, that I am running stronger and faster than my last training cycle, and that I'll have a good race. But some days the worry that I'm not running enough miles, that I'm not getting significantly faster, that the training plan I've picked is too tough, and that I'm going to get injured overwhelm the positive feelings. Frankly, I think improper fueling and the oppressive heat have a lot to do with all of these negative thoughts, so I need to watch that better, and do everything I can to stay in the positive zone.
Mon:run/walk 42 minutes 20 min. walk:I was super tired today and just couldn't push myself to run.
Tues:yoga / weights
Wed: run/walk 48 min - This one was ugly. And I'm still having the shin splint issue in my left leg. Ugh.
Thurs:run 2 miles
Fri:rest weights
Sat: run/walk 56 min - We headed to the Y, dreading the treadmill the whole way, because of the rain. But on the way we saw some other folks out running, and by the time we parked, it had stopped raining, so we hopped on the path across the street and got our (very hilly) miles in.
Sun:weights rest - Got back in town from a quick trip to a family wedding, so no time to work out today.
I started back down the road of self-doubt this week. I've worked really hard since February to not doubt myself so much, but missing a couple of runs the last couple of weeks + running with shin pain + getting closer to actual half marathon training really got to me this week. The furthest I've run since November has been 3.5 miles, and I just can't imagine making it another 9.6. Part of my brain knows I can do it, I have done it, and I have plenty of time to build up to it, that I am running stronger and faster than my last training cycle, and that I'll have a good race. But some days the worry that I'm not running enough miles, that I'm not getting significantly faster, that the training plan I've picked is too tough, and that I'm going to get injured overwhelm the positive feelings. Frankly, I think improper fueling and the oppressive heat have a lot to do with all of these negative thoughts, so I need to watch that better, and do everything I can to stay in the positive zone.
Wed: run/walk 48 min - This one was ugly. And I'm still having the shin splint issue in my left leg. Ugh.
Sat: run/walk 56 min - We headed to the Y, dreading the treadmill the whole way, because of the rain. But on the way we saw some other folks out running, and by the time we parked, it had stopped raining, so we hopped on the path across the street and got our (very hilly) miles in.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Pre-training week 4 and Back to Weight Watchers
So last week, I clicked the "Join Now" button for the third time in my life. Since April I've put on 7 lbs., and I'm inching too close to comfort to that 150 number. Now, I know weight loss isn't all about the scale, and I can see that I'm putting on muscle, but I'm also not losing fat. My clothes are not getting any looser. I've been half-assed tracking using My Fitness Pal, but I guess I have a problem setting the right targets for myself, and I need more accountability. I need to get rid of these pounds permanently before half marathon training cranks up in the fall. So it's back to Weight Watchers I go.
The program worked great the first time I was on it. I just let myself get a bit out of control. The second time they had swapped to the new Points+ system, and it just didn't work for me. To be fair, my heart really wasn't in it that time. This time I'm also tracking using My Fitness Pal to get a better idea of calories and macros, in addition to points. I'm giving it my all for three months. Wish me luck.
On to the training side of things...
Monday morning the happy little weatherman let us know that this week's dew points would go from "uncomfortable" to "oppressive." Like, really, this is the actual scale.
Mon: run/walk 42 minutes
Tues:yoga / weights
Wed: run/walk 49 min
Thurs:run 2 miles yoga - My left shin wanted to give me some problems this week, so I thought it was wise to take the day off and stretch a lot.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 56 min
Sun: weights
The program worked great the first time I was on it. I just let myself get a bit out of control. The second time they had swapped to the new Points+ system, and it just didn't work for me. To be fair, my heart really wasn't in it that time. This time I'm also tracking using My Fitness Pal to get a better idea of calories and macros, in addition to points. I'm giving it my all for three months. Wish me luck.
On to the training side of things...
Monday morning the happy little weatherman let us know that this week's dew points would go from "uncomfortable" to "oppressive." Like, really, this is the actual scale.
Mon: run/walk 42 minutes
Wed: run/walk 49 min
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 56 min
Sun: weights
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Pre-training: weeks 2 & 3
Apparently I have bruised the heel pad of my not-broken foot, and it's taking forever to heal. It hurts to stand and walk on, but not so much to run. So my running intervals aren't too bad, but walk breaks are excruciating. Maybe I should do away with them? Yeah, right.
Week 2
Mon: run 35 minutes - Saw a water moccasin. A LIVE water moccasin. I ran faster.
Tues:yoga? weights
Wed: run/walk 48 min - OMG I thought I was going to DIE! By far the hottest run this summer, and its just going to get worse. Ugh.
Thurs:weights Rode my sweet cruise bike around the neighborhood.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 48 min - Just a great run. I wish every run was like this one
Sun:weights rest
Week 3
Mon: run/walk 42 min
Tues: yoga or weights - weights. I still can't straighten out my arms.
Wed:run/walk 49 min run 2 mi - Swapped Wednesday and Thursday because of the 102+ degree heat index, and I'm not willing to spend an hour on a treadmill. The interior of the YMCA was approximately 11 degrees warmer than outside.
Thurs:run 2 mi run/walk 49 min - I finished, but in this humidity it wasn't pretty.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 49 min - thank you Hurricane Arthur! We have humidity down near 65%. Spring has returned!
Sun: weights
Week 2
Mon: run 35 minutes - Saw a water moccasin. A LIVE water moccasin. I ran faster.
Wed: run/walk 48 min - OMG I thought I was going to DIE! By far the hottest run this summer, and its just going to get worse. Ugh.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 48 min - Just a great run. I wish every run was like this one
Week 3
Mon: run/walk 42 min
Tues: yoga or weights - weights. I still can't straighten out my arms.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 49 min - thank you Hurricane Arthur! We have humidity down near 65%. Spring has returned!
Sun: weights
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Just add some Tequila and a slice of Lime
It is HOT here right now. And humid. Just ridiculously hot and humid. Like, just walk outside and start pouring sweat kinda hot and humid.
I powered through last summer's training schedule with the mantra "Hydrate hydrate hydrate," but I suffered, and after the heat exhaustion debacle that was the 2013 Tower of Terror 10-Miler, I knew this summer was going to have to be different. Other than planning better so I don't start half marathon training 'til September (tee hee), I've been making a conscious effort to better regulate my electrolytes and make sure to incorporate those salts.
I powered through last summer's training schedule with the mantra "Hydrate hydrate hydrate," but I suffered, and after the heat exhaustion debacle that was the 2013 Tower of Terror 10-Miler, I knew this summer was going to have to be different. Other than planning better so I don't start half marathon training 'til September (tee hee), I've been making a conscious effort to better regulate my electrolytes and make sure to incorporate those salts.
I eat a pretty low salt diet, so I've been adding more salt to my food (unlike the majority of the US population). The bulk of my electrolytes comes from my favorite hydration, Nuun tabs. As it gets warmer, I'm adding these to my water 2, even 3 times a day, plus taking some in my handheld and drinking at least one after my run.
I'm just like Kara! |
I seriously need to buy stock in this company. All of this might seem a bit of overkill for 3 mile runs, but I sweat A LOT. By the time I get done running those paltry 3 miles, I look like I just got out of the pool. Don't run at my left shoulder or you'll be subjected to the spray! Even with all of this Nuun I was bonking and getting muscle and stomach cramps. So lately I've added these to the mix.
Salt tabs have really turned my runs around. No cramps, little heat fatigue, and I make it through my runs feeling pretty great. I'm using these, but there may be others out there. I've got a bottle of 100 on their way to me as we speak.
One other thing I've learned is that, because your body is exerting more effort to run in the heat and humidity, you are burning more calories than normal. Although I'm only running about 3 miles at a pretty moderate pace, I need to take a couple of chews about 2/3 of the way through. As mileage increases (and the length of the run), I plan to start taking a Gu at about the 40 minute mark. I'm not saying this is the be all and end all, but hopefully I'm starting to nail down a good fueling strategy that will make running and racing a more pleasant experience.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The June Rundown
In June:
I started with a shiny new 5K PR, and slid right into upping my weekly mileage from there.
I hit 100 miles for the year! I won't come near my goal of 500 because I had to take a couple of months off there at the first of the year, but this was a good milestone for my recovery.
Ran 33 miles in the heat and humidity of a deep South summer.
Got a little love note from my new bestie.
Weight -- who knows? Gotta replace the battery in the scale! But I'm seeing changes in the shape of my arms and legs. Consistent weight lifting is good for me!
I started with a shiny new 5K PR, and slid right into upping my weekly mileage from there.
I hit 100 miles for the year! I won't come near my goal of 500 because I had to take a couple of months off there at the first of the year, but this was a good milestone for my recovery.
Ran 33 miles in the heat and humidity of a deep South summer.
Got a little love note from my new bestie.
Weight -- who knows? Gotta replace the battery in the scale! But I'm seeing changes in the shape of my arms and legs. Consistent weight lifting is good for me!
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Half Marathon Pre-training
One big downfall of my 2013 race season was that I didn't have a good running base. I'd done most of Couch to 5K, then swapped to the Galloway Method and immediately started training for the Tower of Terror 10-Miler. Probably not the greatest plan in the world for someone who had never run before. This year, I'm making a point of building a good solid base and upping mileage before the training plan starts.
After I finished C25K this go-round, I added a couple of minutes of running to each run until I could run 35 minutes straight, which is the minimum for the Coach Jenny 10K run/walk plan I've picked to get my mileage up. I'll finish up this plan about 2 weeks before my half marathon training plan begins, so I will have about 3 weeks of 6 mile long runs and 12-15 mile weeks. The plan also adds a fourth day of running to my week, which should make it easier to do the same as I move into HM training. I'm really working to up my miles per week for upcoming HMs.
I've chosen a run/walk plan because I believe at this point in my running career that is what is right for me. What I like about the Coach Jenny plans is that they increase not only the distance, but the running interval, so by the end of the plan you are running 3-5 minutes per segment more than at the beginning, automatically making my pace faster. For this training cycle, I'm running only for time and not for mileage. This seems to take the pressure off for me to hit distances and paces. I might change to running for distance for future cycles.
Half Marathon Pre-training
Week 1
Mon: run 35 minutes - the heat & humidity really killed me here. I thought I was going to die. My pace is really taking a hit as the summer rolls in.
Tues:yoga Rest - work event
Wed: run/walk 42 min - my mileage is starting to creep up, and I can feel it by the end of the run.
Thurs:weights yoga - finally! I haven't been in a couple of weeks, and my hips were SOOO tight, they were sore the next day!
Fri:rest weights
Sat: run/walk 42 min - I might be starting to acclimate to the humidity. This run was slightly faster, but more importantly felt a lot better. And no cramps!
Sun: weights
After I finished C25K this go-round, I added a couple of minutes of running to each run until I could run 35 minutes straight, which is the minimum for the Coach Jenny 10K run/walk plan I've picked to get my mileage up. I'll finish up this plan about 2 weeks before my half marathon training plan begins, so I will have about 3 weeks of 6 mile long runs and 12-15 mile weeks. The plan also adds a fourth day of running to my week, which should make it easier to do the same as I move into HM training. I'm really working to up my miles per week for upcoming HMs.
I've chosen a run/walk plan because I believe at this point in my running career that is what is right for me. What I like about the Coach Jenny plans is that they increase not only the distance, but the running interval, so by the end of the plan you are running 3-5 minutes per segment more than at the beginning, automatically making my pace faster. For this training cycle, I'm running only for time and not for mileage. This seems to take the pressure off for me to hit distances and paces. I might change to running for distance for future cycles.
Half Marathon Pre-training
Week 1
Mon: run 35 minutes - the heat & humidity really killed me here. I thought I was going to die. My pace is really taking a hit as the summer rolls in.
Wed: run/walk 42 min - my mileage is starting to creep up, and I can feel it by the end of the run.
Sat: run/walk 42 min - I might be starting to acclimate to the humidity. This run was slightly faster, but more importantly felt a lot better. And no cramps!
Sun: weights
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Via Bolt 5K
What was I thinking signing up for a race in south Alabama in June? Apparently I momentarily forgot how freakin' hot and humid it gets down here. But I can do anything for 3 miles, right? Especially with the promise of post-race margaritas.
Packet pick-up did not bode well for this race. The local race production company had not delivered the bibs or the final registration list. Neither Mark nor I appeared on the list they did have, but they did have a swag bag for me. That's right, a SWAG BAG for a local 5K with less than 100 participants. Pretty cool. But by the time I got there, 7 whole minutes after packet pickup opened, they had run out of my size t shirt. Did I mention I was the 4th person in line? Not sure what was going on there.
Since my effort to pick up our bibs the day before was foiled, we still had to get to the race early to get our bibs, and hold our breathe they'ed actually have bibs for us. Spoiler - bib pickup wasn't an issue!
We got there a few minutes early and picked up our bibs. Man, it was hot. It was 77 degrees with 96% humidity when we got out of the car! Via is a senior citizen's activity center, and they had the building open so people could wait in the A/C and use real bathrooms! Score!
We walked about a quarter mile to the start. I'd looked at the course ahead of time and saw we were running through pancake flat Midtown Mobile neighborhoods with old growth oaks and lots of shade, so my race plan involved running for a mile then walking a minute, repeat 3 times and BAM - under 40 minutes. I did not take into account the extreme weather. I didn't make it through running the first mile without some walking. Mark had a better plan to run 10 minutes/ walk 1, but the heat even got to him.
I did love the course. Some rough pavement (because the city cannot afford to keep its roads paved), but nice and flat and mostly shady, with lovely older homes and great people who left their sprinklers on for us. One family even sat out with his hose to shower the runners. That was much needed.
I walked probably a quarter of the race. My legs felt great for the first two miles, but it was just so hot. All the runners I chatted with commented on the heat and how much slower they were because of it. Even though I did PR (by one whole minute!), I was disappointed, because I knew I had more in me. And I won't lie - the promise of a margarita did get me through the second half of the race.
The Via folks did a great job, from the goody bags and luau theme to having a water stop every mile and a water gun tunnel at the finish. It would be an awesome race if they'ed move it back a few weeks. The after party was really awesome. They had all the usual goodies, the promised margaritas, cake and locally made ice cream. Could this be the new chocolate milk for recovery?
Based on this race, I know I have a sub-40 minute 5K in me right now. Unfortunately, this will have to wait until sometime this fall, since race season around here has pretty much shut down for the summer. At least I have something to look forward to in the fall! And my new rule is no more summer races!
43:14 (1 minute PR!)
Overall: 70/98
Gender: 35/54
Women 35-39: 8/10
photos courtesy of Via Health, Fitness, and Enrichment Center
Packet pick-up did not bode well for this race. The local race production company had not delivered the bibs or the final registration list. Neither Mark nor I appeared on the list they did have, but they did have a swag bag for me. That's right, a SWAG BAG for a local 5K with less than 100 participants. Pretty cool. But by the time I got there, 7 whole minutes after packet pickup opened, they had run out of my size t shirt. Did I mention I was the 4th person in line? Not sure what was going on there.
Since my effort to pick up our bibs the day before was foiled, we still had to get to the race early to get our bibs, and hold our breathe they'ed actually have bibs for us. Spoiler - bib pickup wasn't an issue!
We got there a few minutes early and picked up our bibs. Man, it was hot. It was 77 degrees with 96% humidity when we got out of the car! Via is a senior citizen's activity center, and they had the building open so people could wait in the A/C and use real bathrooms! Score!
We walked about a quarter mile to the start. I'd looked at the course ahead of time and saw we were running through pancake flat Midtown Mobile neighborhoods with old growth oaks and lots of shade, so my race plan involved running for a mile then walking a minute, repeat 3 times and BAM - under 40 minutes. I did not take into account the extreme weather. I didn't make it through running the first mile without some walking. Mark had a better plan to run 10 minutes/ walk 1, but the heat even got to him.
I did love the course. Some rough pavement (because the city cannot afford to keep its roads paved), but nice and flat and mostly shady, with lovely older homes and great people who left their sprinklers on for us. One family even sat out with his hose to shower the runners. That was much needed.
Pancake Flat |
I walked probably a quarter of the race. My legs felt great for the first two miles, but it was just so hot. All the runners I chatted with commented on the heat and how much slower they were because of it. Even though I did PR (by one whole minute!), I was disappointed, because I knew I had more in me. And I won't lie - the promise of a margarita did get me through the second half of the race.
The Via folks did a great job, from the goody bags and luau theme to having a water stop every mile and a water gun tunnel at the finish. It would be an awesome race if they'ed move it back a few weeks. The after party was really awesome. They had all the usual goodies, the promised margaritas, cake and locally made ice cream. Could this be the new chocolate milk for recovery?
![]() |
The Margarita Lady |
Based on this race, I know I have a sub-40 minute 5K in me right now. Unfortunately, this will have to wait until sometime this fall, since race season around here has pretty much shut down for the summer. At least I have something to look forward to in the fall! And my new rule is no more summer races!
43:14 (1 minute PR!)
Overall: 70/98
Gender: 35/54
Women 35-39: 8/10
photos courtesy of Via Health, Fitness, and Enrichment Center
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
#Oiselle Showdown: Rogas vs. Gameday shorts
Disclaimer: I purchased the products in this post. All opinions are my own. But Oiselle can send me free clothes anytime!
Recently, a couple of deal of the day sites (here and here are my referral links if you feel so inclined) featured Oiselle at some great prices. I love all Oiselle clothes, and I've been wanting to try some of their running shorts, so I snatched up a pair of Game Day shorts and a pair of what almost every runner on the internet raves about, the Rogas. The Game Day's are basically a longer Roga with a wider leg. Based on my experience with Oiselle tops and advice from the interwebz, I sized up to a large.
Both pairs of shorts have built in undies, an inside key pocket and an outside back zip packet, and a drawstring, which is a must-have for me in running gear. They are the same lightweight tech fabric, which is soft and super comfortable, and has some crazy wicking skillz.
Roga Shorts
Obviously this isn't my belly.
Man, they are not kidding when they call these shorts! Mark definitely gave these the thumbs up. They are form fitting, and much shorter than my standby Nike's. I wore them for 10 minute running intervals (Couch to 5K Week 6 Day 2), and even though they rode up my big gal thighs some while I walked, they didn't ride up at all when I ran, which is good, because as short as these are there's not a whole lot of places to go!
Game Day Shorts
There is several more inches of fabric covering my upper thighs, which is a plus in my opinion. The legs fit looser too, but they didn't give me diaper butt like Nike's do. I wore these for 5 min run/3 min walk intervals (Couch to 5K Week 5 Day1) on the dreadmill in the stifling hot gym. I LOVE these shorts! They wicked sweat something fierce, nothing chafed, the waist didn't ride up or fall down, and they didn't ride up at all in the legs. WIN!
The Verdict
I like the Game Day shorts because they are roomier on my big girl thighs and hips and provide more coverage than the Rogas. I can't find them on the Oiselle website, so I'll be a sad runner if they've been discontinued.
Recently, a couple of deal of the day sites (here and here are my referral links if you feel so inclined) featured Oiselle at some great prices. I love all Oiselle clothes, and I've been wanting to try some of their running shorts, so I snatched up a pair of Game Day shorts and a pair of what almost every runner on the internet raves about, the Rogas. The Game Day's are basically a longer Roga with a wider leg. Based on my experience with Oiselle tops and advice from the interwebz, I sized up to a large.
Both pairs of shorts have built in undies, an inside key pocket and an outside back zip packet, and a drawstring, which is a must-have for me in running gear. They are the same lightweight tech fabric, which is soft and super comfortable, and has some crazy wicking skillz.
Roga Shorts
Man, they are not kidding when they call these shorts! Mark definitely gave these the thumbs up. They are form fitting, and much shorter than my standby Nike's. I wore them for 10 minute running intervals (Couch to 5K Week 6 Day 2), and even though they rode up my big gal thighs some while I walked, they didn't ride up at all when I ran, which is good, because as short as these are there's not a whole lot of places to go!
Game Day Shorts
There is several more inches of fabric covering my upper thighs, which is a plus in my opinion. The legs fit looser too, but they didn't give me diaper butt like Nike's do. I wore these for 5 min run/3 min walk intervals (Couch to 5K Week 5 Day1) on the dreadmill in the stifling hot gym. I LOVE these shorts! They wicked sweat something fierce, nothing chafed, the waist didn't ride up or fall down, and they didn't ride up at all in the legs. WIN!
The Verdict
I like the Game Day shorts because they are roomier on my big girl thighs and hips and provide more coverage than the Rogas. I can't find them on the Oiselle website, so I'll be a sad runner if they've been discontinued.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The May Rundown
Couch to 5K Graduate! Last time I did this program I quit midway through and started running intervals. Now I can run for 30+ minutes straight!
Ran my first race back since my injury!
Put 30 miles on the Brooks. Took a couple of days off for some pain in my foot. All a part of recovery, I guess.
REALLY sick of running 3/4 mile loops around my tiny neighborhood.
Where do I go from here? Pushing the length of time I can run at one shot until I get to 35 minutes. In a week or two I'm starting a Bridge to 10K training plan. No, no race planned at the end of that one (way too hot in the middle of summer here for distance racing), but using it to build my base for half marathon training come September. Both my 10K and half plans involve a run/walk strategy, which I embrace whole-heartedly, but with much longer run intervals than I did the first time around. Hello PR!
How did your May shape up?
Ran my first race back since my injury!
Put 30 miles on the Brooks. Took a couple of days off for some pain in my foot. All a part of recovery, I guess.
REALLY sick of running 3/4 mile loops around my tiny neighborhood.
Where do I go from here? Pushing the length of time I can run at one shot until I get to 35 minutes. In a week or two I'm starting a Bridge to 10K training plan. No, no race planned at the end of that one (way too hot in the middle of summer here for distance racing), but using it to build my base for half marathon training come September. Both my 10K and half plans involve a run/walk strategy, which I embrace whole-heartedly, but with much longer run intervals than I did the first time around. Hello PR!
How did your May shape up?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Probably Not Proper Fueling
Mark loves steak. I cannot put into words how much Mark loves steak. I have witnessed him eat steak with a side of steak. Hand to God. We lucked up and scored some tickets from his employer to the Fairhope Rotary Steak Cookoff a couple of weeks ago. All you can eat steak, beer and wine, and the Molly Ringwalds - the world's greatest '80's cover band- all for free? Why sure, I'll change out of my snugly jammies for THAT!
Of course, the event fell on the night before my big RETURN TO RACING (yes, that deserves to be in all caps), and I'm not sure unlimited red meat and red wine is the *best* way to fuel for a race, but heck, it was just a 5K, and it's not like I was really gunning for a PR (or at least shouldn't have been!).
The rain barely put a damper on all the good food (and beer). Yes, we paid for it the next day, but it was tons of fun.
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