Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Walking the Biggest Loser 5K #blrwmobile

Yeah, so I can't run right now.  But nobody said I couldn't walk!  When I saw a Biggest Loser race was coming to town, I signed right up, boot and all.  I knew the half marathon was out, but I figured I could hobble my way through a 5K with no time limit.  And the swag was too good to pass up.  A tech shirt, bag, medal, and free race pictures!

The Biggest Loser races encourage both running and walking, which I think is a great way to encourage people at all points in their fitness journey.  When I signed Mark and I up a week after Wine and Dine, I stupidly thought I'd be back running at least a little, and I signed us up for the running category.  Ha ha ha, joke's on me!  Mark had been having some IT band issues since the NOLA Rock n'Roll half the weekend before, so we were all for walking.

The start was pretty confusing because apparently we started in waves, but there was no marked corral and no separation between walkers and runners.  We joined the long line of folks at the start, and ended up being in Corral 3.  I don't know how many corrals there were.

The only time I set eyes on any Biggest Loser former contestants was at the start line.  Although I think Frannie and Gina ran the 5K ahead of me.

Being the weekend before Mardi Gras starts (Mobile is the birthplace of Mardi Gras. Suck it, NOLA.), the race had a Mardi Gras themed.  I wore my purple Sparkle Skirt and Pro Compression socks to be festive.  We met up with a couple of Joe Cain's Merry Widows and I had to take a picture, because how often do you get to chat with those lovely ladies?

The course took us through a couple of historic neighborhoods and through downtown Mobile.  Other than our big oak trees, there wasn't a whole bunch to see along the route.  It was nice and flat, though.

With both of us injured, we totally expected to take at least an hour to finish.  We surprised ourselves by finishing in 54:XX, without really even pushing ourselves.  I thought the race was pretty well run with good race support, and I hope they come back next year and I can participate in RUNNING the half marathon.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

#3121: The Results

Saturday was the final day of Round #1 with the 3121 Diet by Dolvett Quince.  So what are the results?

I've lost 6 lbs. and 2% body fat!  As far as the eating part of the diet goes, I'm getting used to eating a little less, but I'm also getting a bit tired of baked chicken.  I've got to find some new recipes!  I haven't kept strictly to the calorie suggestions in the book because I think they are a little low, but I shoot for around 1300 a day net, with 2 higher calorie days a week.  It does seem to be working.

I'm going to go into maintenance mode for a few weeks.  Mardi Gras is about to hit fast and hard, so my, um, carb intake will be increasing.  I'm going to eat very clean when I can, and try to make good food choices when there are events, as well as continuing to exercise.  Mardi Gras is worse for me than the Thanksgiving/Christmas season, so I hope I don't fall off a ledge for the next few weeks.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Doing better than Bob Costas' eye

Poor ol' Bob and his pink eye.

On Monday I started physical therapy.

I've been really looking forward to PT.  My foot seems very weak to me, and my toes are really stiff and painful.  I have a hard time standing or walking for a long period of time.  Plus I want to come out of this having built my strength back and ready to run. As it turns out, I'm already in pretty good shape.  Who knew?

My PT Deanna says that my flexibility and strength are both functionally normal, but that its just not up to my higher, active standard.  She's going to help get me there, which will happen fairly quickly. (God I hope my insurance company doesn't read this blog!) BUT I still won't be able to run for a few more weeks.  My old friend doubt is starting to creep in when I watch other runners.  I start to think "Gosh, how was I ever able to do that?  A half marathon is a really long way!)  But I'm trying really hard to quiet that voice and keep focused on first, my recovery, and second, starting out back at Couch to 5K and taking things very very slow.  It will all come in time.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Volunteering, Not Running

I was supposed to run the Rock n' Roll NOLA this past weekend.  When I first broke my foot I asked Dr. Roca about doing a February half and he just laughed at me.  *Sad Face*.  But Mark and my sister were still gonna run, so I could either:
a. stay home and sulk,
b. go with them and sulk,
c. volunteer

I picked C.  It was my first experience volunteering at a race.  I wanted to sign up to give out medals, but the shift was too long, so I picked starting line.   But first, the expo!

There was lots of shopping at our favorites, and then this happened:

No comment.

My shift started at 5:30 a.m. which was really early.  They were short on volunteers, so there was only one of us per corral to watch bib numbers, hold the rope and the marker sign, and generally make sure people got to the right place.  People, if you can, volunteer at a race!  Volunteers are the ones making sure your day goes smoothly.  And please don't argue with us, we are only doing what we are told.

I ran around once my corral made it to the start and watched Mark and our friend Sarah start the race.

Then I high-tailed it to the finish to watch both of them and my speedy sister finish their races.  Mark had some ITB problems, but still finished a sub-3:00 half.  I was so proud of all of them, and had a terrific time cheering with my signs and cowbell.  Of course, I would've rather been running and had that shiny medal around my neck at the end, but that will happen in time I suppose.