Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pre Training Week 5

Polar Vortex!!!  Thanks to this crazy weather, we actually had a couple of days this week with less than 98% humidity!  In July, people!  It was still hot, so it didn't really make running any more pleasant, though.

I started back down the road of self-doubt this week.  I've worked really hard since February to not doubt myself so much, but missing a couple of runs the last couple of weeks + running with shin pain + getting closer to actual half marathon training really got to me this week.  The furthest I've run since November has been 3.5 miles, and I just can't imagine making it another 9.6.  Part of my brain knows I can do it, I have done it, and I have plenty of time to build up to it, that I am running stronger and faster than my last training cycle, and that I'll have a good race.  But some days the worry that I'm not running enough miles, that I'm not getting significantly faster, that the training plan I've picked is too tough, and that I'm going to get injured overwhelm the positive feelings.  Frankly, I think improper fueling and the oppressive heat have a lot to do with all of these negative thoughts, so I need to watch that better, and do everything I can to stay in the positive zone.

Mon: run/walk 42 minutes  20 min. walk:I was super tired today and just couldn't push myself to run.
Tues: yoga / weights
Wed: run/walk 48 min - This one was ugly.  And I'm still having the shin splint issue in my left leg.  Ugh.
Thurs: run 2 miles 
Fri: rest weights
Sat: run/walk 56 min - We headed to the Y, dreading the treadmill the whole way, because of the rain.  But on the way we saw some other folks out running, and by the time we parked, it had stopped raining, so we hopped on the path across the street and got our (very hilly) miles in.
Sun: weights  rest - Got back in town from a quick trip to a family wedding, so no time to work out today.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pre-training week 4 and Back to Weight Watchers

So last week, I clicked the "Join Now" button for the third time in my life.  Since April I've put on 7 lbs., and I'm inching too close to comfort to that 150 number.  Now, I know weight loss isn't all about the scale, and I can see that I'm putting on muscle, but I'm also not losing fat.  My clothes are not getting any looser.  I've been half-assed tracking using My Fitness Pal, but I guess I have a problem setting the right targets for myself, and I need more accountability.  I need to get rid of these pounds permanently before half marathon training cranks up in the fall.  So it's back to Weight Watchers I go.

The program worked great the first time I was on it.  I just let myself get a bit out of control.  The second time they had swapped to the new Points+ system, and it just didn't work for me.  To be fair, my heart really wasn't in it that time.  This time I'm also tracking using My Fitness Pal to get a better idea of calories and macros, in addition to points.  I'm giving it my all for three months.  Wish me luck.

On to the training side of things...

Monday morning the happy little weatherman let us know that this week's dew points would go from "uncomfortable" to "oppressive." Like, really, this is the actual scale.

Mon: run/walk 42 minutes
Tues: yoga / weights
Wed: run/walk 49 min
Thurs: run 2 miles  yoga - My left shin wanted to give me some problems this week, so I thought it was wise to take the day off and stretch a lot.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 56 min
Sun: weights

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pre-training: weeks 2 & 3

Apparently I have bruised the heel pad of my not-broken foot, and it's taking forever to heal.  It hurts to stand and walk on, but not so much to run.  So my running intervals aren't too bad, but walk breaks are excruciating.  Maybe I should do away with them?  Yeah, right.

Week 2
Mon: run 35 minutes - Saw a water moccasin.  A LIVE water moccasin.  I ran faster.
Tues: yoga?  weights
Wed: run/walk 48 min - OMG I thought I was going to DIE!  By far the hottest run this summer, and its just going to get worse.  Ugh.

Thurs: weights Rode my sweet cruise bike around the neighborhood.
Fri: rest
Sat: run/walk 48 min - Just a great run.  I wish every run was like this one
Sun: weights rest

Week 3
Mon: run/walk 42 min
Tues: yoga or weights - weights.  I still can't straighten out my arms.
Wed: run/walk 49 min run 2 mi  - Swapped Wednesday and Thursday because of the 102+ degree heat index, and I'm not willing to spend an hour on a treadmill.  The interior of the YMCA was approximately 11 degrees warmer than outside.
Thurs: run 2 mi run/walk 49 min - I finished, but in this humidity it wasn't pretty.
Fri: rest

Sat: run/walk 49 min - thank you Hurricane Arthur!  We have humidity down near 65%.  Spring has returned!
Sun: weights

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Just add some Tequila and a slice of Lime

It is HOT here right now.  And humid.  Just ridiculously hot and humid.  Like, just walk outside and start pouring sweat kinda hot and humid.

I powered through last summer's training schedule with the mantra "Hydrate hydrate hydrate," but I suffered, and after the heat exhaustion debacle that was the 2013 Tower of Terror 10-Miler, I knew this summer was going to have to be different.  Other than planning better so I don't start half marathon training 'til September (tee hee), I've been making a conscious effort to better regulate my electrolytes and make sure to incorporate those salts.

I eat a pretty low salt diet, so I've been adding more salt to my food (unlike the majority of the US population).  The bulk of my electrolytes comes from my favorite hydration, Nuun tabs.  As it gets warmer, I'm adding these to my water 2, even 3 times a day, plus taking some in my handheld and drinking at least one after my run.

I'm just like Kara!

I seriously need to buy stock in this company.  All of this might seem a bit of overkill for 3 mile runs, but I sweat A LOT.  By the time I get done running those paltry 3 miles, I look like I just got out of the pool.  Don't run at my left shoulder or you'll be subjected to the spray!  Even with all of this Nuun I was bonking and getting muscle and stomach cramps.  So lately I've added these to the mix.

Salt tabs have really turned my runs around.  No cramps, little heat fatigue, and I make it through my runs feeling pretty great.  I'm using these, but there may be others out there.  I've got a bottle of 100 on their way to me as we speak.

One other thing I've learned is that, because your body is exerting more effort to run in the heat and humidity, you are burning more calories than normal.  Although I'm only running about 3 miles at a pretty moderate pace, I need to take a couple of chews about 2/3 of the way through.  As mileage increases (and the length of the run), I plan to start taking a Gu at about the 40 minute mark.  I'm not saying this is the be all and end all, but hopefully I'm starting to nail down a good fueling strategy that will make running and racing a more pleasant experience.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The June Rundown

In June:

I started with a shiny new 5K PR, and slid right into upping my weekly mileage from there.

I hit 100 miles for the year! I won't come near my goal of 500 because I had to take a couple of months off there at the first of the year, but this was a good milestone for my recovery.

Ran 33 miles in the heat and humidity of a deep South summer.

Got a little love note from my new bestie.

Weight -- who knows?  Gotta replace the battery in the scale!  But I'm seeing changes in the shape of my arms and legs.  Consistent weight lifting is good for me!