Monday, December 23, 2013

My New Toy

Last year Mark got tired of me constantly asking "How much furrrrtherrrrr" and bought me the Garmin 410.  And I was in LUUUVVVV!  It told me how fast I was running, how fast I just ran, how far I had run, baked chocolate chip cookies and gave me a pedicure.  Garmie fed me all the data my geeky science mind wanted and charted and graphed it on a website.  Perfect!

And then, one day, I saw it.  A new Garmie.  A better, lighter weight, color-screened Garmie with more data than I could ever use for my 15 and a half minute miles.  And I wanted it.  Bad.

Fast forward to pre-Black Friday.  I found a great deal on gift cards to a running store that would give me $50 off a Garmin 220 and I jumped on it.  So did everybody else, so it was backordered for a few weeks.  And finally, FINALLY, it came.

Hopefully someday soon I will be boot-free and able to actually test out Garmie fully.  Until then, it will just look pretty on my wrist and I'll GPS track every car trip we take.  As for my first Garmie, Mark's 205 is giving him trouble and no longer downloads data, so he's taking the 410.  What an awesome hubby.

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