Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Woes of the Wounded

My latest doctor visit did not go quite as planned.  Sure, I got the go ahead to resume most physical activity.  I can go back to yoga.  I can wear real shoes.  But I can't run.  Sure, I expected that.  At my appointment a month ago, he said it would be 6 weeks before I could start again.  But he is a lying liar.

No, I don't have to wait 2 more WEEKS.  I have to wait 2 more MONTHS!  I don't think I can run in the pool for 8 weeks without losing my sanity.  Of course I want my foot to heal completely and not end up where I started on November 9, but I'm really getting antsy to run again.  Watching Mark train for a half marathon isn't helping the matter either.

At least I had this to cheer me up.

So which is better for an injured runner:  elliptical or spinning?  Leave a comment and let me know!


^^ That was my original post.  Since I wrote it, I've had a little time to get perspective on my situation.  I've also been able to go for a walk and do upper AND lower body weights.  And the fact is, my foot hurts alot and I've lost quite a bit of fitness in the last couple of months, no matter how much I ran in the pool.  Even if I wanted to start running right now I'd just end up out of breath and frustrated.  I need to take the next month and a half to lift, cross train, and regain my cardio vascular fitness, so when I do start running, I'll be setting myself up for success.

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